In celebration of its 30th anniversary, Sony has launched an extensive sale on the PlayStation Store, allowing gamers to take advantage of significant discounts on hundreds of titles. This event, which kicked off on December 2 and will run until December 20, follows the recent Black Friday shopping spree, demonstrating...
In a celebration of three decades of gaming excellence, Sony has unveiled a special collection of PlayStation 5 consoles and accessories, marking the 30th anniversary of the iconic PlayStation brand. The PlayStation 30th Anniversary Collection is set to launch on November 21, with preorders commencing on September 26. What’s Included...
As the year draws to a close, PS Plus subscribers have a lot to look forward to with the December 2023 game lineup. This month is particularly exciting, especially for fans of the legendary Grand Theft Auto series, as Rockstar Games has made GTA 5 available for download. This release...
Best Buy is set to restock the highly anticipated PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Edition along with the 30th Anniversary DualSense controller today. However, securing your purchase may require a bit of preparation. Here’s what you need to know to maximize your chances of snagging one of these limited-edition items. Understanding...
In today’s digital age, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) serves as a crucial tool for online privacy and security. It creates a secure connection between your device and the internet, allowing you to browse anonymously and access content without restrictions. For gamers, especially those using Xbox, the benefits of a...
The Xbox has had a complex journey since its inception, marked by both impressive achievements and notable challenges. Launched on November 15, 2001, the original Xbox was a bold move for Microsoft, as it was the first major console produced by an American company since the Atari Jaguar. Its launch...
When it comes to PlayStation Plus, understanding the nuances of your subscription can be crucial for making the most out of your gaming experience. One common question among players is whether they can keep PS Plus Extra games forever. Unlike the games available in the Essentials or Classics libraries, once...
When it comes to PlayStation Plus (PS Plus), many gamers often wonder about the permanence of the games they claim through their subscriptions. Let’s break down what you can expect regarding the availability of these games based on your membership tier. Ownership of PS Plus Games Do You Keep PS...
Microsoft’s foray into the gaming console market began with the original Xbox, launched on November 15, 2001. Despite selling a total of approximately 24 million units globally, including 16 million in North America, the company faced significant financial challenges. The manufacturing costs of the console exceeded its retail price, leading...
Understanding the nuances of the PlayStation Plus subscription service can be complex, especially when it comes to the availability of games. Here’s a detailed look at what happens to your games when your subscription changes or ends. Playing PS Plus Games After Removal One common misconception is that once you...